I want to make a complaint to my energy supplier

Energy suppliers have customer service standards, set by Ofgem.
If your supplier doesn’t follow these standards, then you might be entitled to compensation.
The standard amount for compensation is usually £30 to £50.
You can use the messaging template below for a range of complaints. Some examples are:
- Excessively long waiting times
- Not following up on calls
- Billing issues
Click the ⓘ icons for more information on gathering what you need and filling out the template.
You will need…
- Your account number
- Evidence to back up your complaint
- Your energy supplier’s contact details
Once you’ve got this information, you’re ready to use the template below.
Don’t worry if some of the template doesn’t apply to your issue. You can remove any unnecessary lines from your message once you’ve downloaded it.
Letter copied to clipboard
Don’t forget to paste this into an email to your energy supplier.
Sending your message
There are different ways you can send your message to your supplier. You can:
- copy and paste it into an email or web form
- download it and attach it to an email
- download it and print it out to send in the post
- if communicating via an online chat or form, you can use the information here to guide what you send
Remember, it’s important to save a copy of your message for your records.
Next steps
Your supplier should respond to your complaint. This may take some time, especially if the issue is complicated. Your supplier may have a note of typical response times on their website.
If your supplier has broken Ofgem’s rules on customer service, you might get compensation. This would usually be £30 to £50.
How you receive the compensation will depend on how you pay your bill. Your supplier will let you know what options are available.
You can use the template to complain again. Make sure to add the date of your first complaint to your second complaint.
We would expect most suppliers to respond within eight weeks. If it’s been longer than eight weeks, you can escalate your complaint by raising it with the energy ombudsman.