Kehinde Moses

Name: Kehinde Moses

Job title and brief description of role: Energy Advisor, Home Energy Scotland

I give free and impartial advice to customers on how to be more energy efficient, and to help them save money to reduce fuel poverty by sign-posting those needing support or help to achieve this. I also help people save energy and help the environment by inspiring low carbon behaviours.

How long have you worked at Changeworks?

I started out as a volunteer in 2014, before leaving and then coming back in 2021 to volunteer again as a Food Waste Engagement Ambassador with the Edinburgh Food Waste Engagement project. I’ve been working full time as an Energy Advisor since then.

What is the best thing about working at Changeworks?

The best thing for me about working at Changeworks is the fact that I get to help people on a daily basis in my role. I love helping customers because it gives me a great sense of fulfilment when I help solve a problem or make them aware of something they can do differently which they’ve never thought of before.

What has been the highlight of your time Changeworks?

I had a conversation with a customer in my native language which gave us a common ground to interact well over the phone. The fact we can reach customers from diverse backgrounds and different ethnic groups stood out for me. I also recently completed a video shoot recording for one of our campaigns for the City of Edinburgh Council. I’d never been in front of a video camera before, so this gave me the opportunity to showcase my soft skills.

While working as a volunteer I was also involved in a similar campaign but this time on reducing food waste, which included having my photo used on the Changeworks website.

How would you describe your colleagues?

They are a lovely group of people, very caring and supportive. They helped me settle into the job very quickly and with much encouragement I passed my SQAs quicker than I expected. Every day someone checks on me to ask how I’m doing, and we also do a lot of fun things in the team like the vuddle catch up every morning before we start work, Kahoot and other games.

Away from work we all bond like a family and support each other through special occasions like baby showers and birthdays.

What makes Changeworks a unique place to work?

The people have so much passion for what they do, everyone is always ready to work and always up to the task. Changeworks is a prestigious environmental charity which stands to deliver low carbon living solutions through energy and fuel poverty advice and behaviour change. They also help organisations cut down their carbon footprint through various forms advice.

This gives me an opportunity to explore different areas to work and develop my career by working for a company helping to fight climate change.