Useful contacts

Whether it’s debt advice, legal issues or just needing someone to talk to to help your mood, there are a number of brilliant services out there who can help:
Call if you’re struggling with low mood, depression, or anxiety – 0800 83 85 87
Call if you need help with legal issues, debt, housing or consumer rights – 0800 028 1456
Call if you need debt advice – 0808 808 400
Call if you are worried about a gas leak or carbon monoxide – 0800 111 999
Call if you need to complain about your energy bill or supplier – 0808 223 1133
Call if you need help with housing rights – 0808 800 4444
The Warm Home Discount takes £150 off your electricity bill if you qualify. Call if you need any advice about the scheme – 0800 107 8002