Housing associations
We work in partnership to support registered social landlords (RSLs) to achieve their net zero goals, as well as providing warm and comfortable homes and support to tenants.
Insulation measures installed
£4.06 million
Savings made for householders
370,000 tonnes
Lifetime carbon savings
Strategic support can be delivered in many forms, including acting as a managing agent on projects, identifying funding and supporting the delivery for the likes of the Net Zero Heat fund, managing your stock’s transition to net zero and achieving the Energy Efficiency Standard for Social Housing (EESSH2) compliance.
Our in-house Affordable Warmth team are experts in delivering tenant advice and support across a range of topics, including fuel poverty prevention and alleviation and advice on how to make the most out of new heating technologies.
Additionally, our strategic partnership with the Scottish Federation of Housing Associations and Warmworks means we are a trusted partner for housing associations to come to for our expertise on providing low-carbon solutions to housing stock, and supporting tenants to be affordably warm in their homes.
Get in touch
Contact us today to find out how Changeworks can help you.
Why Changeworks?
Tailored solutions
Our multi-disciplinary teams are experts at developing and delivering carbon reduction strategies, providing full project management as well as research and impact evaluation services.
Experts in energy efficiency
We have over 35 years’ experience working in partnership and with organisations to provide innovative low-carbon solutions.
Trusted by households across Scotland
We’ve helped people from all corners of Scotland save on their energy bills, reduce heat loss and supported them to live more comfortably.