Housing Stock Analysis
We know that evaluating your housing stock and ensuring you’re compliant with current standards can be a challenge. That’s where we come in.

We work with a large number of social housing providers across Scotland to offer analysis of their housing stock and help them understand how they can meet their energy efficiency and carbon emission targets, while at the same time improving the comfort and wellbeing of tenants.
In Scotland, new efficiency compliance requirements are expected to replace the existing Energy Efficiency Standard for Social Housing (EESSH2). While we wait for the final details on what the new Social Housing Net Zero Standard (SHNZS) looks like, we have adapted our housing stock analysis service for the expected SHNZS metrics to identify “no-regret” options to allow social housing providers to keep working towards their climate goals.
As part of the analysis, we collate and cross-reference all available housing stock data, before identifying fabric upgrades, clean heating options and renewable energy measures. Using detailed modelling based on typical registered social landlord archetypes, we then estimate the increments in the SAP score and reduction in space heating demand.
In addition to this, our team can provide dynamic reports where results can be summarised and explored through live tables, graphs and maps.
In addition to the principal deliverables, we offer a workshop with your team to explain our analysis in more detail and to discuss key findings, quick wins and next steps. This session will also allow you to understand in more detail how we can support you in exploring further opportunities and services we can help you with.
Get in touch
To find out more about housing stock analysis service, or to book a demo, contact us today.