Our carbon footprint

Understanding our carbon footprint and limiting this as much as possible is a vital aspect in acting as an exemplar organisation.

In 2022-23 our carbon footprint was 125 tonnes CO2e, which is a decrease of 15 tonnes CO2e (11%) from the revised 2021-22 figure (140 tonnes CO2e).

This equates to 0.67 tonnes CO2e per Full-Time Equivalent employee (FTE), which is a 12% decrease from the 2021-22 figure of 0.97 tonnes CO2e.

Our carbon footprint is calculated based on the current UK Government guidance and conversion factors for greenhouse gas reporting issued by the Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA). It is also based on the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosure (TFCD) which sets out corporate reporting approaches for transition and physical risks.

Our approach has been externally validated by Carbon Footprint Ltd in relation to the ISO 14064-3 standard. The verification activities have shown that Changeworks has met the verification criteria satisfactorily.

Our calculation includes the following emissions:

  • Scope 1 – Direct emissions from the activities that are under an organisation’s direct control, such as fuel combustion, vehicles and fugitive emissions
  • Scope 2 – Indirect emissions related to the production of electricity and heat that is purchased by the organisation
  • Scope 3 – All other indirect emissions resulting from activities that are neither owned nor controlled by the entity, including emissions related to the use of consumer goods, transportation, waste treatment, and employee travel and home working.

Since 2018-19, our carbon reduction and offsetting activities have enabled us to be recognised as a Carbon Neutral Organisation.

Interventions put in place by our Carbon Reduction Team (CRT) have contributed to the reduction in our carbon footprint, e.g. an updated Environmental Policy, promotion of our travel hierarchy and active travel and free energy saving home measures offered to staff.

In 2020-21, a new approach to the Carbon Reduction Plan introduced targets aimed at reducing our carbon footprint to 70% of our 2018-19 calculation by 2030.

This equates to a challenging 14% year-on-year reduction, with a view to becoming true net zero by 2040, reflecting the Scottish Government’s ambition at that time.

Our reduction in 2022-23 was 11%, which is short of our target.  The focus of the CRT to achieve target reductions next year is on direct action around behavioural change, in particular home energy use and transportation.

Carbon Database Initiative

The Carbon Database Initiative is a global database that enables organisations to disclose their carbon footprint, net zero commitments and carbon neutral claims. Changeworks is proud to join this growing network of businesses and organisations.

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