Changeworks is working to support residents of Midlothian as part of a year-long partnership.
The Midlothian Affordable Warmth service is being delivered in partnership with Penicuik Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB), and SGN. The project will support up to 640 householders and is anticipated to provide at least £110,000 of financial support.
As well as delivering advice and advocacy, the service will provide financial assistance with energy bills and warmth packs to help residents keep warm throughout the winter months. Changeworks is encouraging referrals from partner organisations for their service users to benefit from this additional support.
The project is also enabling two Changeworks teams to provide much needed help and support to residents who are in or at risk of fuel poverty.
Our Low Carbon Communities team is busy delivering a community outreach programme, engaging community groups via talks, lunches and other events with energy and safeguarding advice.
These engagements allow the team to identify those who require additional support to be referred to Changeworks’ Affordable Warmth Services (AWS). The team are highly skilled in providing in-depth energy advice, including helping householders to resolve billing issues and access to funding and vouchers. The help of AWS team also extends to providing advocacy for residents and speaking directly with energy suppliers to ensure those who need help the most can access the correct level of support.
As part of the scheme, which kicked off in March 2024, Penicuik CAB are delivering one-to-one income maximisation advice for households.
The partnership also has access to £22,000 of funding to provide winter warming items and fuel credit to vulnerable residents of Midlothian. Changeworks are busy laying the groundwork to ensure that this direct financial assistance is reaching the right corners of the community.
There are four scheduled ‘Seasonal Support’ drop-in sessions at Penicuik Food Fact Friends, a community hub and pantry where individuals on low incomes can purchase low-cost food items and refreshments from the cafe. There are plans to extend this service out to other areas of Midlothian to maximise reach to those who are in need this winter.
By pulling the strengths of each organisation, Changeworks and Penicuik CAB can ensure that the most vulnerable in the community are being served as we move towards another winter of high energy costs, by cross referring and offering a holistic service to maximise income and reduce energy bills.

The scheme is also highlighting the importance of carbon monoxide safety to residents, with additional information on this made available alongside awareness of the Priority Services Register to help the most vulnerable. Households that don’t have a carbon monoxide alarm are also being offered them as part of the project.
As well as helping to support households be more affordably warm, the project also aims to upskill and train 12 volunteers with the knowledge and skills to help communities stay warm with expert energy advice and information.
The Princess Royal was recently in attendance at Penicuik CAB, where she learnt more about the partnership work between Changeworks and CAB to ensure communities are receiving expert energy advice and support to help them stay affordably warm.
Morven Masterton, Changeworks’ Head of Community Engagement and Energy Advice Services, commented: “The Midlothian Affordable Warmth project is a great example of organisations working together with a common goal of helping some of the most vulnerable members of our communities.
“Energy bills continue remain high for many households across the region, and this triple-team approach will help us reach those who need help the most.”
Margaret Hamilton, Community Partnership Manager at SGN, said: “We’re delighted to be partnering with Changeworks and Penicuik CAB to provide this essential energy support and safeguarding service to households across Midlothian. Changeworks are seeing first-hand the impact the cost of living crisis is having on households struggling to afford to maintain a safe and warm home.
“Through the Midlothian Affordable Warmth service, they’ll support households ahead of winter to use energy safely, efficiently and affordably.”
Are you or your service users struggling to stay affordably warm? Use our Affordable Warmth Services referral form to refer yourself or someone you work with to Changeworks’ expert advisors.
If you would like to invite Changeworks to deliver a talk or workshop, please contact the team via